Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fighting for Unity in the Body

   I find myself weary today, it has become increasingly alarming at the divides that are being produced in the modern church era. It seems that more and more we as Christians are becoming more concerned with a political agenda than the people around us. A fire for the Word and connecting people with Jesus is being replaced with a fire for idealism, politics and social problems. I heard Tony Evans say recently that "the White House has divided God's house." This divide that has occurred does nothing to solve social problems, fix government issues or reach the lost, but it has drawn the battle lines through the Body of Christ and wrecked havoc on the message of who Jesus is.

   When I say the battle lines have been drawn it is because the pride of our position has caused us to draw away from the saints with a different position and launch attacks at their values, even using the Bible and "God's will" as ammunition against the very people Jesus died for. When a new Christian arrives at a church they have a few groups to choose from; the liberal group, the conservative group, the conservative homeschool group, the conservative public school group, the professionals, the lower class, the educated, the uneducated, those who love guns, those who think guns should be controlled. We have placed so many boundaries on what a Christian does socially that we have missed the primary issue, who a Christian is spiritually. We stand in our camp, edify each other, not in Christ but affirming our social ideals, and pop shots at anyone who dares have another position.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. ~ Hebrews 10:24

   I believe the primary cause for concern is by taking our stance on these issues and proclaiming them to those around us we cause ourselves and others to take our eyes off Jesus. In this sense we have allowed the enemy to accomplish his task, breaking our locked gaze with Jesus and turning them to the things of this world. Once he has our eyes on the world he can slowly manipulate our cares and affections into things that lead further and further away from Jesus. And woe to us if we become the tool that removes the gaze of others from Jesus! Social issues are the stumbling block of this age, they are some of the dissension Paul so fervently fought against in the early church. I believe this is worse, Paul mostly attacked dissension in doctrine, we choose dissension in government ideals and social hot topics.

For it has been reported to me that there is quarreling among you my brothers, what I mean is that each one of you says, "I follow Paul," or I follow Apollos," or "I follow Cephas" or "I follow Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? ~ 1st Corinthians 1:11-13

But I brothers could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still carnal. For while there is envy, strife and divisions among you are you not still carnal and behaving like mere men? ~ 1st Corinthians 3:3

   Do I have opinions and thoughts about what is right and good in our country and homes? Yes! But for the sake of other believers I restrain my social opinions in hope to present the glory of Jesus to all who will hear. By stating my personal convictions boldly on political topics or social problems I will immediately lose a percentage of people who will no longer hear truth about Jesus from me, and worse possibly cause bitterness and strife between us. By restraining my convictions I remain free to edify and encourage a wider range of believers, pushing them towards Christ, which is far more important than convincing them of good ideals.

   In all of this I do not want to minimize those God has called to impact government, or to alter society for His purpose, but our primary concern will always be leading other to Jesus and if that means I can no longer have a verbal political stance so be it. Pushing others to Christ is the greater work and I want to remove everything that hinders the message of the beauty, majesty and love of this Man. 

   I think it is interesting the time period Jesus came to earth, the Jews were oppressed by a Roman rule, they were occupied by the army of an enemy and yet Jesus did nothing to resist the authority, or start a movement against the governing force. Instead He preached the kingdom of God, healed the sick and cared for people regardless of nationality, belief system or allegiance. He was unlike anything the believers in God thought He would be, He encouraged people to submit to the evil rule physically but submit to God spiritually. In fact they tried to trap Him with social issues such as taxes but He said submit to them and give to God what is His. 

   A few questions I ask myself before I publicly declare personal convictions on social topics:

- Could this remove the gaze of others from Jesus?
- In the scope of eternity is this really important?
- Will this topic block people from hearing Jesus from me in the future?
- Is this where I want to stake my ground?

   I want what I say to encourage people into knowing Jesus, not convincing them of my social opinions. I want to see people of every government party, family values and financial status unified in the pursuit of Christ. I long for the day when every tribe, tongue and nation declares boldly and proudly our love and affection for Jesus, this is what I want to produce in others.

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