In the creation account we see that every created being was made with a primary creature and a counterpart. And in the creation of both beings we see perfection. So God creates the mold and then the matching companion "according to it's kind." When God gets to humanity He says "Let us make man in our image." Meaning-"We are the Mold, we are the first beings let Us make a companion according to Our kind."The God who speaks worlds into existence, who desires and receives whatever He wants, has longing and desire for a companion to come forth full of love and desire back for Him. He has longing for the companion created to be so intimate as to house His very fullness. "The two shall become one flesh" -Amazing, human marriages can only emulate the intimacy God reserves for us and Him. God has designated a relationship so personal, so powerful and all to His glory. The image-bearers, the creatures made for God, would be the ones to have God with them, in them, loving them and loving through them. The awe of perfection has captivated my heart.
When Adam fell all of creation was thrown into disarray and chaos. The perfection of God was thrown off as the bride chose another lover, self, and gave rulership to the evil one. The core root of all sin is every form of self; self-exultation, self-preservation, self-indulgence, and all other manner of self-centeredness. The first offense against God came as Satan desired what God had for himself. Humanity chose this creature as Lord over the earth thus implanting his desires in our very core. Communion with God implants love in our hearts, love for Him and His creation.
With the realization of what perfection looks like, and that God is working to restore perfection, I long to be found as a man after God's own heart. That His desires would become my desires, that His love would become my love as He pulsates through me. In this fallen age I find myself striving for perfection but not allowing my weakness and shortcomings to disqualify me from what God desires for me. Clinging to our blessed hope Jesus and that He will once again come and make all things new. Perfection restored, humanity restored. Lord let me be found with a heart after you.
Thank you Elan! Your words are heartfelt and incredibly inspiring. I thank God all the time that He introduced me to our amazing church and to the wonderful people there like yourself and Ashley. Thank you! God Bless!