Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Come Up Here

After these things I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here" -Rev 4:1

  It's the open door reality, the divine invitation to enter in, taste, come be where I am. It is the difference of arriving at a friends house and having the door closed or open, one signifies an invitation, the other can be slightly daunting. It's the workplace with an "open door policy." The reality where at any time whoosh and your in, no resistance. It's the divine setting of all kingdom principles; the great invitation. God in His wisdom has left the choice of love as an open door, not by coercive power, not to convert us by violence, but to display the greatest love ever and win our hearts into voluntary desire.

  To step through the doorway of invitation means we leave a reality behind and step into something new. Through the avenue of an uncomfortable journey we encounter the greatest thing ever, Him. The call to enter in is the call of becoming a new creation. Leaving the old man in the dust as we strive to become perfected into the image of Jesus. Deciding we no longer want milk but the food that satisfies. Living with God as an add on or an extra-curricular activity will never satisfy. 

There are two types of Christians;
-The ones who live waiting for the floodgates to open that will sweep them into a fantasy type faith.
-And the ones who advance forcefully through the door of invitation.

  Entering in and laying hold of the promise land requires that we overcome the enemies standing between us and the land God promised. And it is through a violent resolve that we overcome, through the empowerment of Christ in us, working through us, consuming all of our being. There is a fight reality to our faith. 

From the days of John the baptist until now the kingdom has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12

  It is the heart that says, "I'm not giving up, I haven't been disqualified and I refuse to be anything less than what God has offered to me to become." This isn't a settle in journey, find my place in the church, it is a war, and every day choosing to step forward towards God. It is constantly living just outside of where I am comfortable in pursuit of God's invitation. 

  Primarily, God is working to open our eyes to understand where He has already seated us. Paul prays that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened. Eph. 1:18-23 Eph. 1:17 Psalm 119:18 So it isn't God working something new in our lives other than opening our eyes to see what He has already done. He can't give us anything more than He already has freely given us. It simply us understanding the doorway and choosing to walk through it and abide where He is. And another thing we need to recognize is that we are pursuing a man, He is our great reward. Stepping into the doorway of divine entertainment means we are engaged with a person at the heart level, not that our fleshly desires are stimulated.

  God is so patient and kind, the invitation is never removed, even if He has turned us over to our sin and worldly desires He still reaches out His hand over and over beckoning come be with Me. He desires our love and affections so much He wouldn't spare His own Son for us! 

Lord give me the strength to pursue you faithfully for 80 years, I want to find myself uncomfortable in the pursuit of your love every day. Strike my heart with greater revelation of who you are. Wash me again with the blood of your Son. Help me love you, give me a new heart for I am poor and needy.

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