Looking at the creation account, every creature made was created with a perfect companion, man being the companion to God. At no time in Genesis 1 and 2 do we see anything less than perfect. God begins the creation of woman with the foreknowledge of what man would choose in the upcoming chapter and the separation of God and man. Therefore He says "It is not good that man should be alone" Adam did not know he had longing and desire for a companion until God awakened desire in him. Looking at Genesis 2:18-22 we see that God starts with "It is not good for man to be alone." But then He parades the animals in front of Adam. Why would God do that? This is not about Adam having authority over the animals, that is a given due to Adam's communion with God. This is God showing Adam every creature with it's companion and Adam coming into knowledge that he does not have one. As Adam is naming the animals he is finding he has no helper like all the other creatures and desire begins to take root in his heart. When his desire is full grown God puts him to sleep and takes a rib and out of man's side comes woman. Do we see this picture? That out of the side of Adam came his companion. Later in scripture we find that through the outpouring of blood from the side of Jesus a companion is brought forth. In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son to redeem us. Galatians 4:4 God is saying "It is not good that my Son should have desire for a companion and that desire go unanswered" We know Jesus had desire for us in John 17:24
"Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word. That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church."
Ephesians 6:25-29
Ephesians 6:25-29
Woman was not created as an afterthought, a simple helper or as an inferior being. When God made woman He gave us the clear representation of the bride. Woman is the depiction of God’s crowning jewel, enthrallment with woman would drive man to the depths in pursuit of love. Woman was made to be treated delicately, pursued passionately and served as royalty. Woman was made to be served into greatness, just as Christ did the church. That the elevation of woman would come through laying down of a life in love. The fundamental picture of the bride is one where the bride is helpless and without hope apart from the Bridegroom's desire to see her come into perfection through His sacrificing everything for her.
The assault against this design whether it be the wickedness of man or the rage of Satan is more potent than ever in history. Pornography so easily accessible (The purchase of pornography is a $96 Billion industry annually, or $3,000.00 per second) The purchase of people to enslave them in sex trafficking is a $32 Billion industry annually. One in three women suffer sexual abuse as a child. The sexual desensitization is coming through every available path. We hardly notice a small adulterous act or a reference to sexual immorality in our entertainment we so love. The grocery store check out attack the eyes of men countless times each minute, degrading the image of women all around the world. Homosexuality is increasingly gaining ground like never before. The attack has many focused intentions: Keep men enslaved in sin, destroy God's image of what He designed to begin with and where everything will end up, make the bride appear as an object and not a passionately desired person, and infiltrate the thoughts of humanity to drag them towards wickedness.
Women - If you have suffered abuse at the hands of man, do not judge this encounter as what God desires over you. You have incredible worth to Him. His desire is that you would come into wholeness and beauty, free from shame and accusation. Women are of vital importance and many have carried the spiritual banner in our homes through generations. Why does God allow suffering?
Men - The call is to pick up our cross in our own home. That a true expression of Christ's love would explode out of our sacrificial living. We must learn to cast down our desires, ambitions, lusts and pick up humility, meekness and the Word. Never stop waring against sin and self ambition. Men our shortcomings have not disqualified us, we forget what is behind and strive towards perfection. Philippians 3:13-14
If you have need to hear truth and sift through confusion and lies from the enemy, or are dealing with unbearable pain from abuse contact: Pastor Jan at New Life Christian Fellowship 810-694-4605
May the love of Christ be overwhelming in your life.
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